7 research outputs found

    Monikulkutapaisten reittien kuvaus älyliikennejärjestelmässä

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    Automatically detecting individuals’ door-to-door multimodal trips has important applications in an intelligent transport system. These include assisting users in multimodal navigation, optimizing the transit network, and more. Smartphones and other mobile devices today carry a multitude of radios and sensors, including those suitable for detecting location via e.g. Wi-Fi access point mapping or satellite navigation systems, and for detecting motion activity including modes of transport using the accelerometer. Combining these sources with open data from public transport operators, such as static timetables and mass transit vehicle location time series, it is possible to also detect use of mass transit by the smartphone user. In this thesis project a representation for multimodal routes was developed, suitable for analysis of mobility patterns. The modeling includes prerequisite identification of stops and trips, trip origin and destination, mode of trans- port and use of mass transit in trip legs, and recognizing the user’s regular destinations and routes. The discovered mobility patterns can further be combined with data from other sources to produce relevant notifications of exceptions in traffic conditions, such as traffic jams, accidents, or public transport disruptions.Ihmisten monikulkutapaisten reittien automaattisella havaitsemisella ovelta ovelle on olennaisia sovelluksia älykkäässä liikennejärjestelmässä. Näihin lukeutuvat mm. dynaaminen opastus monikulkutapaisella reitillä, ja tietojen mahdollistama liikennejärjestelmän optimointi. Nykyiset älypuhelimet ja muut mobiililaitteet sisältävät moninaisia antureita ja radiolaitteistoa, joita voidaan käyttää laitteen paikannukseen kartoitettujen Wi-Fi -tukiasemien tai satelliittipaikannuksen avulla, sekä liikeaktiviteetin tunnistukseen kiihtyvyysanturin avulla. Kun näitä tietoja yhdistetään julkisen liikenteen palveluntarjoajien tuottamaan avoimeen dataan kuten joukkoliikennevälineiden ajantasaiseen paikannustietoon sekä aikatauluihin, voidaan myös tunnistaa puhelimen käyttäjän joukkoliikennematkoja. Tässä diplomityöprojektissa kehitettiin monikulkutapaisten reittien kuvaamiseen malli, jota voidaan käyttää liikkumistapojen analyysiin. Mallinnukseen sisältyy edellytyksinä pysähdysten ja matkojen havaitseminen, matkojen alku- ja loppupaikkojen kokoaminen, liikkumismuodon ja joukkoliikennematkojen tunnistaminen, sekä käyttäjän toistuvien päämäärien ja reittien jäsentäminen. Liikkumistapamallin tietoja muihin tietolähteisiin yhdistämällä voidaan myös tarjota käyttäjälle relevantteja ilmoituksia poikkeustilanteista liikenteessä kuten merkittävistä ruuhkista, onnettomuuksista, tai joukkoliikennehäiriöistä

    Automatic Recognition of Public Transport Trips from Mobile Device Sensor Data and Transport Infrastructure Information

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    Automatic detection of public transport (PT) usage has important applications for intelligent transport systems. It is crucial for understanding the commuting habits of passengers at large and over longer periods of time. It also enables compilation of door-to-door trip chains, which in turn can assist public transport providers in improved optimisation of their transport networks. In addition, predictions of future trips based on past activities can be used to assist passengers with targeted information. This article documents a dataset compiled from a day of active commuting by a small group of people using different means of PT in the Helsinki region. Mobility data was collected by two means: (a) manually written details of each PT trip during the day, and (b) measurements using sensors of travellers' mobile devices. The manual log is used to cross-check and verify the results derived from automatic measurements. The mobile client application used for our data collection provides a fully automated measurement service and implements a set of algorithms for decreasing battery consumption. The live locations of some of the public transport vehicles in the region were made available by the local transport provider and sampled with a 30-second interval. The stopping times of local trains at stations during the day were retrieved from the railway operator. The static timetable information of all the PT vehicles operating in the area is made available by the transport provider, and linked to our dataset. The challenge is to correctly detect as many manually logged trips as possible by using the automatically collected data. This paper includes an analysis of challenges due to missing or partially sampled information in the data, and initial results from automatic recognition using a set of algorithms. Improvement of correct recognitions is left as an ongoing challenge.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 10 table


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    Beneficial Ownership of Intangible Assets and Royalties in the Light of the OECD Model Tax Convention

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    Beneficial ownership is a concept used in the OECD Model Tax Convention to deny the treaty benefits under Articles 10, 11 and 12 in artificial arrangements. The term has never been defined exactly in international tax context and thus, the meaning of the concept has remained somewhat vague during the past 50 years. The concept was never designed to be a wide general anti-avoidance provision. It was designed to be a tool with limited scope to interfere to treaty shopping schemes that do not comply with the economic nature of the arrangement. Despite the fact that the term originates from common law system, it should be interpreted as an individual treaty concept apart from the meaning it has in the common law legal praxis. The beneficial ownership of royalties is connected with beneficial ownership of intangible assets. Beneficial ownership of intangible assets requires that the owner is the legal owner of the asset and has sufficient level of economical ownership in addition to the legal ownership. If one of the requirements is not fulfilled, the owner should not be regarded as beneficial owner of the asset and thus, not the beneficial owner of the royalties. The legal ownership of an intangible asset is rather easy to determine. Economic ownership, on the other hand, may be harder to define due to the economic reality in which e.g. the multinational enterprises operate in globalized business world. The courts of different jurisdictions have taken different kind of approaches to interpreting beneficial ownership. The approaches can be divided into legal and economic approaches depending on the circumstances the courts take into account. Legal approaches concentrate on the formal facts under private law e.g. if the receiver of the income has a legal or contractual obligation to pass on the income or if one will have the right to the income instead of the creditors in case of bankruptcy of the receiver. Economic approaches are less formal than the legal approaches and concentrate on the economic reality instead of the formal facts under private law. Nearly all of the economic approaches use substance over form doctrine as the starting point. Some of the approaches go further and use e.g. transfer pricing methods in order to determine the level of economic ownership of the owner. It is not sufficient to fulfil the requirements set by the beneficial ownership limitation in order to receive the treaty benefits. Beneficial ownership is just one provision amongst many other anti-avoidance provisions. Even one provision is enough to deny the treaty benefits from a taxpayer and thus, an arrangement has to comply with other provisions in addition to the Article 12 of the OECD Model Convention

    A survey of evaluation methods for personal route and destination prediction from mobility traces

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    Personal mobility data can nowadays be easily collected by personal mobile phones and used for analytical modeling. To assist in such an analysis, a variety of computational approaches have been developed. The goal is to extract mobility patterns in order to provide traveling assistance, information, recommendations or on-demand services. While various computational techniques are being developed, research literature on destination and route prediction lacks consistency in evaluation methods for such approaches. This study presents a review and categorization of evaluation criteria and terminology used in assessing the performance of such methods. The review is complemented by experimental analysis of selected evaluation criteria, to highlight the nuances existing between the evaluation measures. The experimental study uses previously unpublished mobility data of 15 users collected over a period of 6 months in Helsinki metropolitan area in Finland. The article is primarily intended for researchers developing approaches for personalized mobility analysis, as well as a guideline for practitioners to select criteria when assessing and selecting between computational approaches. Our main recommendation is to consider user-specific accuracy measures in addition to averaged aggregates, as well as to take into consideration that for many users accuracy does not saturate fast and the performance keeps evolving over time. Therefore, we recommend using time-weighted measures. (c) 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer reviewe

    Fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden toteuttama rentoutumiskurssi lukiolaisille : vaikutus koetun stressin määrään

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    Vuoden 2019 kouluterveyskyselyn mukaan lukion 1. ja 2. luokan opiskelijoista 15,5 % kokee koulu-uupumusta. Mitä korkeammat koulumenestystavoitteet ovat, sitä korkeampi on oppilaan uupumisriski. Sosiaaliset paineet, yhteiskunnan suoriutumisvaatimukset sekä yksilölliset kuormitustekijät lisäävät nuorten opiskelijoiden koetun stressin määrää. Nuorten ylikuormitusta ja stressitilaa on haastavampi havaita, sillä heidän oma kehontuntemuksensa ja kehotietoisuutensa ovat vielä kehitysasteella. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa liikunnan vapaaehtoinen rentoutumiskurssi fysioterapian keinoja hyödyntäen. Kurssin käytännön toteutuksen lisäksi tuotettiin valmis kurssisuunnitelma, jota voidaan jatkossa hyödyntää vastaavanlaisen kurssin järjestämisessä. Kyselylomakkeella selvitettiin rentoutumiskurssin vaikutusta opiskelijoiden kokemaan stressin tunteeseen. Kurssilla pyrittiin lisäämään opiskelijoiden rentoutumiskeinoja sekä parantamaan kehontuntemusta ja itsesäätelyä. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantajana oli Tammerkosken lukio, jossa opinnäytetyön toiminnallinen osuus pidettiin. Rentoutumiskurssi toimi opinnäytetyön toiminnallisena osuutena. Fysioterapian keinoilla on mahdollista vaikuttaa opiskelijan kykyyn sietää ja säädellä stressiä erilaisilla harjoituksilla. Koulutuksellisella terapialla (psykoedukaatiolla) voidaan lisätä opiskelijoiden tietämystä stressin ja kuormituksen psykofyysisistä vaikutuksista. Stressiä aiheuttavien tekijöiden tunnistaminen ja stressin säätelyn oppiminen ovat lukiolaiselle hyödyllisiä taitoja. Ylioppilaskirjoitusten merkitys on entisestään korostunut. Halu menestyä ylioppilaskirjoituksissa voi entisestään lisätä stressin määrää. Jatkossa kurssiin liittyvää tutkimusta tulisi kehittää, jotta sen vaikuttavuutta pystyttäisiin todentamaan luotettavammin. Lukioikäisten nuorten kokeman stressin määrän vaihtelua lukuvuoden aikana tulisi tutkia enemmän.According to the 2019 school health survey, 15.5 % of upper secondary school 1st and 2nd grade students experience school exhaustion (THL 2019). The higher the school success goals, the higher the student’s risk of exhaustion. Social pressures, societal performance requirements, and individual stressors increase the amount of stress experienced by adolescents’ students. It is more challenging to detect adolescents stress and overburden, as their own body awareness is still developing. The purpose of this study was to implement a voluntary relaxation course on physical education by applying the means of physiotherapeutic methods. In addition to the practical implementation of the course, a ready-made course plan was produced which can be utilise in the future to organise a similar course. In addition, the questionnaire examined the effect of the relaxation course on the students 'perceived amount of stress and aimed to increase the students' means of relaxation, body awareness and self-regulation. With the help of physiotherapy, it is possible to influence the student's ability to tolerate and regulate stress through various exercises. Psychoeducation can increase students' knowledge of the psychophysical effects of stress and mental strain. Identifying stressors and learning to manage stress is a useful skill for upper secondary school students. The importance of matriculation exam is further emphasized in Finland, so the desire to succeed in them can further increase the amount of stress. More studies are needed on the course conducted to be able to verify its effectivenes more reliably. Research is required on the variation in the amount of stress experienced by upper secondary students during the school year

    Black silicon back contact module with wide light acceptance angle

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    In this work a photovoltaic mini-module combining interdigitated back contacted solar cells with black silicon in the front was implemented as a proof of concept. The module consists of nine solar cells connected in series with an active area of 86.5 cm2. Both the assembly and panel encapsulation were made using industrial back contact module technology. Noticeable photovoltaic efficiencies of 18.1% and 19.9% of the whole module and the best individual cell of the module respectively, demonstrate that fragile nanostructures can withstand standard module fabrication stages. Open circuit voltage and fill factor values of 5.76 V and 81.6% respectively reveal that series interconnection between cells works as expected, confirming a good ohmic contact between cell busbars and the conductive back sheet. Additionally, the excellent quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflection properties of black silicon surfaces prevails at module-level, as it is corroborated by light incidence angle dependence measurements of the short circuit current parameter.Peer reviewe